Wednesday, August 10, 2011

To Save a Life

So, my mom and I watched a movie tonight called "To Save a Life" and it was absolutely amazing and life changing. As someone that has been there, on the edge, ready to die with scars on my wrists, I really connected to this movie. I think everyone should watch it, Christian or not. Yes, there is a Christian message, but this is something that EVERY SINGLE PERSON can relate to, whether you are the one that feels the pain or the one that just stands by and lets it happen. I've been in both places. Sadly, almost every single person has been. We don't see what's going on around us. Even as Christians we often miss the person hurting, the person that might go home that night and take their life, or yet again cry themself to sleep. Sometimes we don't even realize we're ignoring their pain, in fact, most of the time we don't. When my depression was at its worst, and I had been on that edge a few times already, I talked about it to a few people that didn't know. Each and every single one of them told me that they had a hard time believing that because I seemed like one of the happiest people they knew. I think we get it in our head that a depressed/suicidal/self harming person is going to walk around in all black, parading the darkness inside on the outside. If you know me, you know that isn't true. So I would like to share some lyrics from the amazing song that played during the end credits, by one of my fave bands SuperChick, and challenge us all to pay more look closer. Would you even know if one of your best friends had spent half of their life on the ledge? To those that know me, unless I've told you (or you heard from someone), would you have known? We really can save a life, and not just an earthly one, but an eternal one. God put us here for a reason, and I for one don't want to stand by and let that life be wasted.


No one sits with him, he doesn't fit in
But we feel like we do when we make fun of him
Cause you want to belong, do you go along?
Cause his pain is the price paid for you to belong
It's not like you hate him or want him to die
But maybe he goes home and thinks suicide
Or he comes back to school with a gun at his side
And a kindness from you might have saved his life

Heroes are made when you make a choice

You could be a hero - heroes do what's right
You could be a hero - you might save a life
You could be a hero- you could join the fight
For what's right, for what's right, for what's right

No one talks to her, she feels so alone
She's in too much pain to survive on her own
The hurt she can't handle overflows to a knife
She writes on her arm and wants to give up her life
Each day she goes on is a day that she's brave
Fighting the lie that giving up is the way
Each moment of courage her on life she saves
When she throws the pills out a hero is made
Heroes are made when you make a choice



No one talks to him about how he lives
He thinks that the choices he makes are just his
Doesn't know he's the leader with the way he behaves
And others will follow the choices he's made
He lives on the edge, he's old enough to decide
His brother who wants to be him is just nine
He can do what he wants because it's his right
The choices he makes change a nine-year-old's life



Little Mikey D. was the one in class who everyday got brutally harassed
This went on for years until he decided that never again would he shed another tear
So he walked through the door, grabbed a four-four out of his father's dresser drawer
And said I can't take life no more
And like that life can be lost
But this ain't even about that
All of us just sat back and watched it happen
Thinkin' it's not my responsibility to solve a problem that isn't even about me
This is our problem
This is just one of the daily scenarios which we choose to close our eyes
Instead of doing the right thing
If we make a choice and be the voice for those who won't speak up for themselves
How many lives would be saved, changed, and rearranged
Now it's our time to pick a side
So don't keep walkin' by
Not wantin' to intervene
'cause you wanna exist and never be seen
So let's wake up and change the world
Our time is now

You could be a hero (Our time is now)
Heroes do what's right
You could be a hero (Our time is now)
You might save a life
You could be a hero, you could join the fight (Our time is now)
For what's right, for what's right

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Oh God, You have done it yet again!

SO, basically I don't want you guys thinking I dropped off the face of the Earth or something catastrophic like that, thus I decided to think of a topic I could blog about. Hmmm, what could that be? Well, the logical answer in this situation seems to be God, because He has been working majorly in my life recently! And friends of course, when is there ever NOT a good time to blog about friends??

Basically, the last three weeks have been amazing! I have grown closer to my friends and to God. I have grown happy (and after 12 years of dark depression, let me tell you that feeling happy is basically the best thing on this planet!). I have come out of my shell a little bit more (honestly, I didn't realize I had, but Joshua says so, so who am I to argue?). I dressed up as a "galactic warrior" and embraced my inner alien (SO FUN). I am learning to swing dance, and yes, I have an addiction to it now! ;) I got my GED (finally!!!!), and am starting school this fall. I'm even looking for a job! I don't remember the last time a summer was this awesome! I also can't believe that it has been nearly a year since all of my wonderful new friends, that have been life changing for me, came into my life!! Speaking of said friends, I had my first ever official coffee date with one today, and I had a fantastic time and can't wait to do it again! (who wants to be next?!)

So, basically, the moral of this story is quite simple: GOD IS GOOD!  I can't wait to continue this journey with Him and my friends, as we all grow closer. You guys are my family, and I thank God for each and every one of you! *hugs*