Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Oh God, You have done it yet again!

SO, basically I don't want you guys thinking I dropped off the face of the Earth or something catastrophic like that, thus I decided to think of a topic I could blog about. Hmmm, what could that be? Well, the logical answer in this situation seems to be God, because He has been working majorly in my life recently! And friends of course, when is there ever NOT a good time to blog about friends??

Basically, the last three weeks have been amazing! I have grown closer to my friends and to God. I have grown happy (and after 12 years of dark depression, let me tell you that feeling happy is basically the best thing on this planet!). I have come out of my shell a little bit more (honestly, I didn't realize I had, but Joshua says so, so who am I to argue?). I dressed up as a "galactic warrior" and embraced my inner alien (SO FUN). I am learning to swing dance, and yes, I have an addiction to it now! ;) I got my GED (finally!!!!), and am starting school this fall. I'm even looking for a job! I don't remember the last time a summer was this awesome! I also can't believe that it has been nearly a year since all of my wonderful new friends, that have been life changing for me, came into my life!! Speaking of said friends, I had my first ever official coffee date with one today, and I had a fantastic time and can't wait to do it again! (who wants to be next?!)

So, basically, the moral of this story is quite simple: GOD IS GOOD!  I can't wait to continue this journey with Him and my friends, as we all grow closer. You guys are my family, and I thank God for each and every one of you! *hugs*


  1. I highly agree. The last 3 weeks have been super fun! I love you Katie! It's been so much fun getting to know you, and developing an addiction to swing dancing together. :) I've seen you coming out of your shell even during the short time I've known you. You are a wonderful friend and God's love is definitely shining through you. I'm looking forward to many more years, God willing, of friendship with you. I love you!
    Oh, and let's do coffee sometime! ;)

  2. How did I miss this comment until just now?? Aww it's been so much fun getting to know you too! And you are an amazing friend, that I'm so thankful to have! And I certainly hope that it is in God's plan for us to remain friends! I love you, too! And I would love to do coffee! :)
