Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Carols in Front of Shari's

So tonight was basically amazing. Yeah, any word that has the same/similar definition would be accurate. Let's start from the beginning...

First off, God was most definitely in Aimee's house tonight, and made His presence very known!! I have never worshiped like that before. I was consumed by God and it was amazing!!

Second, I spoke up three, count em, THREE times tonight. Now, for some that is no biggie. For this girl, however, it is huge! It took me over a year to really speak up at church, and by then I knew the people. I haven't known my College Group long, but I feel like I've known them forever. I gave a testimony about how I've been healed, suggested prayer for a car accident that happened near my house (life flight was called in), and then shared about an experience back in high school. I could feel God working through me, speaking through me. I was in shock with each new urge to speak, and in shock each time that I didn't feel nervous.

Third, everything fell into place. There was more than one instance where a few of us were basically thinking the exact same thing. Yeah, that was all the work of God. He put things on our hearts, and He lead us to share. It was so cool to hear "That's so weird, because God was speaking to me about something similar to that."  At one point we sang over and over for God to just come into us, and I was given an image. Three weeks ago when my healing occurred came to mind. I feel like I was in a cement mold so to speak emotionally, and God was hovering all around me. I knew He was there, I believed and loved Him, but I just didn't know how to let Him in. Three weeks ago, though, that cement wall around me came down and God poured into me!! I am amazed everyday at the changes that have occurred in me, but then again, when one finally lets God into their spirit (I don't mean when one believes in God, because Satan believes in Him too. I mean when you TRULY let Him in) it changes the person. Why am I so surprised that I have changed so much? Why in the world would I be the same person I was before God consumed my spirit? Thank God, literally, that I have done such a 180!!! My hope is that others will see this in me and want what I have - our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

And fourth, you must be wondering by now about my title. Yeah, at a little before 11:30pm we sang a few Christmas Carols (with a drum and guitar!) in front of Shari's. Right before leaving we harmonized a Worship song also. It was an experience that I will NEVER forget. And if I do, it is here to look at and remember. But really, how could I forget that??

So in summary, it is now officially Christmas Eve here, and I have been so excited for it to get here so that I can go spend time with family that I never see. I am still mega excited to go see them, but you know what? I have a HUGE family right here where I live. We aren't related by blood, but we are related because we share the same Father. We choose to be related. How cool is that?? And you know what? I get these kinds of experiences multiple times a week with amazing people that love our Lord!! I am the luckiest girl ever. I may not have jewels or monetary riches, but I have the only treasure that matters. I have God. Just that would be enough, but I even have family and friends that are the best. If I ever complain again, just smack me and remind me of how lucky I am! :)

Good night and Merry CHRISTmas!!

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