Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Could It Be?

Could it truly be that I am changing? Okay, yes, I have covered the fact that I'm changing a lot in another post recently, but there were so many other things that I needed to change. I feared that I would never get around to changing those things about myself, and then it happened. I said, "No." Yeah, maybe that's easy for some of you, but I pretty much always say "yes" because I want to please others. I have come to realize that the only One I need to please is my Lord, and He would never ask me for anything that I would need to say "no" to. Now, I would like you to sit and take that in for a minute, because I feel like a HUGE weight is lifted when I realize that! God will NEVER ask of you anything that you can't give or anything that you shouldn't. You can ALWAYS say yes to Him, and you need to. Anything else is so small compared to that. Most of us say "yes" to others out of fear that they will be upset, but that is THEIR problem, not ours. If it is something we need to say no to, then it is probably something we shouldn't be doing, and if they are going to be angry about that then who cares? Of course, there are times when we must say "no" and it's not because it is something bad. Perhaps we have plans already or we just aren't interested. Point is, that we know in ALL things we can go to God for guidance. We never have to make choices on our own, and that is so comforting!

So now I have rambled, when all I wanted to get across was this: If you don't say "no" to someone simply out of fear, then maybe now is the time to search your heart and work on changing that. It is time to pray that God will work on that part of your life. Say no to the negatives and say yes to God! To quote a bumper sticker that I love, "Try God. If you don't like Him, Satan will always take you back." This is very true. God will never fail you. There is a plan behind every single thing that He does, we just don't always see it.

Next step: Sending Dad a letter or having a talk with him about no longer putting up with him while drunk. Pray for me to gain the courage! Thanks! Until next time... <3

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